Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This story is not about Uruguay

This story is not about Uruguay.  This story is about my friend, Bob. 

One time, we were in El Salvador as the San Mateo delegation.  A few of us were playing tag outside with the kids.  We had one little boy, Franki, cornered, and our friend Bob Biehn came out of the house to see what was going on. Upon seeing him, Franki looked up, pointed his finger and screamed “Santa Clause!” with a delighted smile on his face.  Know what Bob did?  He let out a contagious chuckle.

Bob Biehn wore a suit to church nearly every Sunday, though it was never red.  I never saw Bob drive a sleigh pulled by 8 tiny reindeer, but I’m fairly certain he could have if he’d wanted to.  What Bob really had in common with Santa is this:  Bob had a laugh that he was ready to share at any minute, and that you couldn’t help but laugh back at.  Bob was a huge part of the youth group at St. Matthews, and was always ready to share joy and happiness with us.  He was able to be a part of many, many mission trips in many parts of the country and in different parts of the world.  He was always supportive, always calm and always ready to lend his heart out to you.

Bob Biehn, you are not Santa Clause, but you are a legend in my book. I will always remember you with a smile.

Rest in Peace, friend.

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